Europass is a free set of online tools and information that helps individuals to manage every step of their learning and career. It is a European Union initiative that aims to increase the transparency of qualifications and mobility of citizens in Europe.
Ecctis managed the UK National Europass Centre until 31st March 2021, jointly funded by the EACEA and the Department for Education. Following the departure of the UK from the European Union, the UK no longer participates in the Europass initiative and there is no nominated representative for Europass in the UK. This information is provided as an archive for information purposes.
The Europass tools are still available to UK citizens and can be accessed via the Europass Portal.
For institutions still running existing Erasmus+ placements, please find below the templates for Europass documents.
Europass Mobility Document
Europass Diploma Supplement
Europass Certificate Supplement
The templates are also available on the European central website at